04 Material(s)


“Nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything changes” wrote Lavoisier in his Traité élémentaire de Chimie in 1789. It evolves, changes its state, moves, the matter/material is everywhere. Intangible and also physical, the matter/material is inscribed in a duality which makes it fluctuate between full and empty, from the idea to the object or from the movement to the balance. 

The sculptor carve, cut, sculpt, form and chisel the raw material : he/she translates his/her imagination in a reality made of stone, he/she gives some consistence to his/her thought, he/she relays some expressions and causes emotions. François Payant wrote : “The architecture allows to live emotions which are only existing thanks to the material expression. Architecture is matter”. But nowadays, how an architect becomes a sculptor?
According to a frame of reference, the matter/material can be seen as almighty, as an inexhaustible resource to enhance and to exploit, like an achievement. What could be the links between architecture and publishing in the matter era? How do these fields look like it in the 21th century?


  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio

Détails de la revue


30 euros + shipping fees

Out of stock
  • Pli 04
  • Publication September 2018
  • Language french, english
  • Size 160 × 240 × 22 mm
  • Pages 352 p.
  • Supplement 5 additional covers
  • ISNN 2430 6401
  • Print Run 1200 copies
  • Papers Arcoprint Milk White 85g, Symbol Freelife Gloss 115g, Arcoprint Milk White 300g
  • Printing Graphius (offset), PAPER! TIGER!, Grand Royal Studio (risograph printing)
  • Distribution Pli Éditions

Description de la revue

Publishing transforms intangible raw material, which can be literary art, graphic or even illustrated, into a product able to release. If architecture is visual and livable, it is also readable. In Pli 03 – Conflit, when André Tavares says “publishing reviews and fixes architecture”, we can question the relationships between the built matter/material, the one which is depicted and the one which is interpreted and criticised. Finally, the editor, helped by the graphic designer/illustrator, would not be the people who spread the food for thought?

21 articles

  • A History of Material and Color in Architecture

    Philippe Rahm
  • Paper, Wood, Concrete, Plastic One Century of Transforming Material Practices in Japan

    Mathieu Mercuriali, Giulio Zucchini
  • Extracts

    Pierre Antoine
  • A Hill Made by people

    Ruth Oldham
  • On Building, Drawing,and Architecture

    Baptiste Meyniel
  • The second Crust

    Mirko Zardini
  • Decadentia or The Right to Evanesce

    Guillaume Dumont Malet
  • Graphic Experimentation as a Material

    École de Condé Paris
  • Remnants and Resilience

    Samy Rio
  • Matter: Prolix or Prolific?

    Laurie Gangarossa
  • Submit – Sign Up

    Frederic Schnee
  • Common Matters Interpretations of Civil Code

    Patrick Bouchain, Édith Hallauer
  • Archiving Architecture

    Centre Pompidou Bibliothèque Kandinsky
  • If You Can Dream It

    Morgane Niviere
  • Grappling with Matter Personified Matter

    Elisa Bertron
  • Print Matters

    Collectif Blanc
  • The Editorial Space as Curatorial Space

    Alex Chevalier
  • The Palace of Typographic Masonry

    Richard Niessen
  • Wanderings

    matali crasset
  • Conductors of Knowledge or the Transmission of an Imagined Museum

    Lucie Palombi
  • Whet Your Appetite

    Raoul Granotier

17 illustrations

Illustartion de Arnaud Aubry
Arnaud Aubry
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de bizarre bizarre
bizarre bizarre
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Camille Debray
Camille Debray
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Pierre Poux
Pierre Poux
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Surfaces studio
Surfaces studio
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Yvan Hydar
Yvan Hydar
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Lucien Gurbert
Lucien Gurbert
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Malo Malo
Malo Malo
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Victoria Roussel
Victoria Roussel
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Thaïla Khampo
Thaïla Khampo
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Sophie Douala
Sophie Douala
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Julie Guillem
Julie Guillem
16 × 24 cm
Illustartion de Fanette Mellier
Fanette Mellier
14 × 40 cm
Illustartion de Spassky Fischer
Spassky Fischer
14 × 40 cm
Illustartion de Léo Grunstein
Léo Grunstein
14 × 40 cm
Illustartion de Atelier Irradié
Atelier Irradié
14 × 40 cm
Illustartion de Les Graphiquants
Les Graphiquants
14 × 40 cm


  • Editorial team

    • Christopher Dessus
    • Adrien Rapin
    • Julia Vallvé
  • Correction

    • Constance de Revel
  • Translation

    • Kiel Bonhomme
  • Graphic design

    • Jean-Baptiste Parré
    • with Aurélien Farina
  • Guests for additional covers

    • Atelier Irradié
    • Fanette Mellier
    • Spassky Fischer
    • Léo Grunstein & Camille Berger (Studio Philippe Apeloig)
    • Les Graphiquants
  • Guests

    • Philippe Rahm
    • Pierre Antoine
    • Mirko Zardini, Centre Canadien d’Architecture à Montréal
    • École de Condé Paris
    • Samy Rio
    • Centre Pompidou / Bibliothèque Kandinsky
    • Richard Niessen, le Signe
    • matali crasset
  • Authors

    • Mathieu Mercuriali et Giulio Zucchini
    • Ruth Oldham
    • Baptiste Meyniel
    • Mirko Zardini
    • Guillaume Dumont Malet
    • Laurie Gangarossa
    • Frederic Schnee
    • Patrick Bouchain et Édith Hallauer
    • Morgane Niviere
    • Elisa Bertron
    • Alex Chevalier
    • Lucie Palombi
    • Raoul Granotier
  • Illustrators

    • Arnaud Aubry
    • bizarre bizarre
    • Camille Debray
    • Pierre Poux
    • Surfaces studio
    • Yvan Hydar
    • Lucien Gurbert
    • Malo Malo
    • Victoria Roussel
    • Thaïla Khampo
    • Sophie Douala



September 28, 2018

Le Pavillon des Canaux, 39 quai de Loire, 75019 Paris Learn more


Le Pavillon des Canaux at the edge of the canal Ourcq, hosted the launch of Pli 04 for a night. On the program: presentation of the review, Dj-Set by Georges Kaplan Conspiracy in the kitchen, meetings and purchases of the new issue in the glass roof, as well as the discovery of the 12 illustrators of the review in the living room. We thank all the volunteers and all the people who participated in this project.


  • Scenography

    Julien Baiamonte, Christopher Dessus, Atelier PAF
  • Production and set-up

    Audrey Guimard, Eva Moari
  • Graphic design

    Atelier Minuit
  • Web Plateform

    Guillaume Ruiz


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After “Format(s)” treated in the second issue, we chose to return to an “elementary” theme. We bet to go beyond the banality and the obviousness of the subject which touches as much professions around the book as those of the architecture. We want to express the diversity of interpretation of the topic, by giving a space of expression to contributors of all horizons which helps us to see the matter in a new way. In order to nourish the approach of editorial design as much as the architectural thought, we developed a series of exhibitions where the production process has been put in second place: it is the origin of the creation which was centerpiece of the exhibitions.

Matière(s) Premières

Matière(s) Premières I. Mathie


From 4th to 26th October, 2018

Le Pavillon des Canaux, 39 quai de Loire, 75019 Paris Learn more


Putting aside this time the process of creation, this exhibition turns to the first objects: raw materials. The genesis of the production of ten - artists, architects, designers, graphic designers - for the review was presented. The exhibition presented the work of Atelier Irradié, Centre Pompidou - Kandinsky Library, Fanette Mellier, Léo Grunstein and Camille Berger (Philippe Apeloig Studio), Graphiquants, matali crasset, Philippe Rahm Architects, Pierre Antoine, Samy Rio and Spassky Fischer. By collaborating with the review, the idea was to focus on the starting point of their creations. The exhibition Matière(s) Première(s) is not a general guide to production and creation but several juxtaposed case studies. This is the object of research, a singular and personal introspection that we have tried to unveil.


  • Scenography

    Julien Baiamonte, Atelier PAF
  • Production and set-up

    Audrey Guimard, Eva Moari


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Pictures of the exhibition

  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio
  • Bonjour Garçon Studio

La publication comme matière

La publication comme matière Jean-Michael Seminaro


From 25th to 28th October, 2018

White Wall Studio, 4532 Avenue Laval, Montréal, QC H2T 2B2, Canada Learn more


The exhibition, co-signed with Collectif Blanc, brings together artists from Paris and Montreal. In an atypical place far from the standards of the traditional exhibition, the four-day event was accompanied by performances and a bookstore with the participation of the Canadian Center for Architecture. The exhibition gathered Ines Cox, Marie-Michelle Deschamps, Myriam Dion, Sébastien Dulude, Frédérique Gagnon, Céline Huyghebaert, Fabrice Masson-Goulet, Jean-Michel Leclerc, Marie-Douce St-Jacques and Julien Baiamonte.


  • Scénographie et production

    Atelier PAF
  • Commissariat

    Collectif Blanc & Christopher Dessus

Temps forts

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Pictures of the exhibition

  • Jean-Michael Seminaro
  • Jean-Michael Seminaro
  • Jean-Michael Seminaro
  • Jean-Michael Seminaro
  • Jean-Michael Seminaro
  • Jean-Michael Seminaro
  • Jean-Michael Seminaro
  • Jean-Michael Seminaro
  • Jean-Michael Seminaro
  • Jean-Michael Seminaro
  • Jean-Michael Seminaro


More than partners, they are collaborators who engage themselves with Pli to support the new generation of architects and designers. Schools, french and international institutions, architectural agencies, companies and associations gathered around a common motivation: discover and support the practices of tomorrow.

Fedrigoni France
Grand Royal Studio
Le Centre Canadien d’Architecture (CCA)
L’École de Condé Paris
Maison Tangible
La Mutuelle des Architectes Français
La Réserve des Arts
Le Signe, centre national du graphisme
